Life is a Fairy Tale

Life has been a mysterious journey. How many people would know where they were destined to be if they were fortunate enough to make it into adulthood or old age? How many people would consider their lives to have been successful or fruitful based upon their childhood dreams? Maybe some people's lives turned out better or happier than they might have imagined, but probably, for the majority, life was a disappointment, even if considered successful by other's standards. We all know famous celebrities or wealthy people, who would seem to have no major problems, who committed suicide or taken the path to destruction.

Drake's life certainly did not turn out as he had expected. When he was young he considered himself to be special. He confused doing well in school or having certain talents, with being a person whose life would be blessed. And for a time it seemed to have been a valid assumption. He graduated college and went to do post-graduate work in marine biology. He found a professional life as a marine biologist with particular emphasis on sharks. Eventually, he met up with a woman with whom he was compatible and they settled down to a pleasant life together. While Darlene was not a marine biologist, she did enjoy scuba diving and snorkeling and they enjoyed vacations where those hobbies could be engaged in.


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